Category: General

CNG Station Service Training | New Class for May

  Get hands-on experience managing and monitoring an active CNG fueling station,  CMD offers comprehensive instruction for a thorough understanding and a training certificate upon completion: Classroom training includes easy-to-follow instructions Thorough illustrations and step-by-step directions Hands-on instruction on site at a CNG fueling station Hands-on practice and instruction at the CMD test facility Sessions […]

Preparedness Message to our Customers

CMD continues to monitor the evolving situation with COVID-19. We are sensitive to the importance of uninterrupted service and accessibility for our customers and have contingency plans in place. We have and will continue to engage key vendors and partners to proactively manage any supply chain issues. To this point, we have every reason to […]

Managing Component Obsolescence

A Proactive Approach CMD engineers, technicians, parts & upgrades specialists and supply chain management collaborate to source replacements and resolve the gaps caused by component and parts obsolescence. Now, a new, proactive approach holds promise for faster solutions and enhanced support for customers. Component obsolescence is considered a supply chain threat by most manufacturers. When […]

CMD Rebrands Energy Product Line

Appleton, WI  June 17, 2021 – CMD CNG Energy Solutions has changed its name and branding to CMD Alternative Energy Solutions, to better represent their expanding product portfolio and expertise in the alternative/clean energy markets and to communicate that their capabilities extend into other forms of sustainable fueling equipment and solutions. CMD’s seasoned technical staff, […]

The Peace-of-Mind Difference in Service Support

Focus is on quick response and effective service solutions Our customer’s success is important to us, and that’s why our famous 24/7/365 support by trained CNG specialists is available on all CMD fueling equipment. CMD’s dedicated Call Center performs proactive monitoring, reliable reporting and analytics and quick, real-time response for CNG stations. The facility allows […]

CNG Service Training – Sign Up for March Session

NEXT SESSION:  March 23 – 25 CNG technicians and station personnel will benefit from comprehensive training on the safe and effective operations, maintenance and troubleshooting of CNG station fueling equipment in this 3-day session packed with information, hands-on experience and clear, easy-to-follow instructions. Who Should Attend?   CNG operators, mechanics, technicians, contractors, installation teams, project managers, […]

Know What You’re Getting with CNG/RNG Fueling Equipment

There is a Difference in Fueling Equipment Compression equipment is not new, and some manufacturers have been around for many years or longer, offering essentially the same thing they always have. When CMD came on the energy scene in 2011, our vision was to provide better performing equipment that brought new and unique value to […]

RNG Site at Clover Hills Dairy Completed

CMD Gas Compression Equipment and Site Controller Optimize Efficiency Wisconsin Dairy Farms offer the raw material resources and thus, logical sites for the production of renewable natural gas (RNG), used for energy to run generators for on-site electricity needs, or for general natural gas use, including fuel for natural gas vehicles. RNG is the pathway […]

See What’s New at The ACT and WasteExpo Shows

    Your competitive advantage hinges on staying on the leading edge of changing markets and technology.  Our industry trade shows are an excellent opportunity to see what’s new, network with experts and potential customers, and arm yourself with the tools to ensure your strategies succeed. Please visit our booths at the shows below to […]